iBatis Support for Array or List Parameter with SQL IN Keyword

3:59 PM

This is a feature available in iBatis but it is not mentioned in the documentation. You can find the example in the iBatis source code under the unit tests.

Let’s said I need to run the following SQL statement

select * from my_table where col_1 in ('1','2','3')

So how do I pass in the values of 1, 2 and 3 ?

In this case you need to pass in a list parameter. The correct iBatis syntax should be

< id="select-test" resultmap="MyTableResult" parameterclass="list">

select * from my_table where col_1 in
< open="(" close=")" conjunction=",">
< /iterate >

< /select >

And in Java you should pass in a java.util.List. E.g.

List list = new ArrayList(3);
List objs = sqlMapClient.queryForList("select-test",list);

This is another example

< id="getProducts" parameterclass="Product" resultclass="Product">
SELECT * FROM Products
< prepend="WHERE productType IN ">
< property="productTypes" open="(" close=")" conjunction=",">
< /iterate>
< /dynamic>