How to stop Oracle XDB (Port 8080 and Tomcat)

3:26 PM

TXDB stands for XML Database. It's a bundle of Oracle features to support XML in the database and includes HTTP and FTP interfaces (port 8080 and 2100 respectively). If you are not using XDB, and you're not on the patchset, you should disable XDB. There were some serious security vulnerabilities that were fixed in the patchset.

# How to turn off or change XDB configuration:

To disable XDB, you can use Oracle Database Configuration Assistant.

  1. Execute Oracle Database Configuration Assistant. Start -> Programs -> Oracle - OraHome92 -> Configuration and Migration Tools -> Database Configuration Assistant.
  2. At step 1 of 4, select "Configure database options in a database". Click Next.
  3. At step 2 of 4, select the database the you want to configure options in Available Database(s) list. Click Next.
  4. At step 3 of 4, click "Standard database features..." button.
  5. In the Standard databae features dialog, click "Customize..." button.
  6. Change XDB setting in the Oracle XML DB dialog. (Enable/Disable or Ports being used).
  7. Click button OK to close the Oracle XML DB dialog.
  8. Click button OKto close the Standard database features dialog.
  9. Click button Next
  10. At setp 4 of 4, Click button Finish.

# Quick tip to check ports listening:

After you doing above step, you can check whether or not 8080 port is being used by using following command.

c:\>netstat -an

# About Oracle XML DB

It provides HTTP, FTP and WebDAV protocol servers as part of the database. These servers will be available for client access as soon as the database starts up (I think thru Listner service). XML DB protocol servers are implemented using the Oracle shared server infrastructure. Default port for FTP is 2100 and the default for HTTP and WebDAV is 8080.